Lance LaDuke
Lance LaDuke
Lance LaDuke is an internationally known educator, writer, speaker and performer who teaches at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Lance is a former member of international touring quintet Boston Brass, the United States Air Force Band in Washington DC, the Brass BAnd of Battle Creek, and the River City Brass Band—the only full time professional brass band in the country. He contributed to The GAME of Innovation, a full-color visual book that helps teams solve creative challenges. Lance is an Educational Ambassador for Jupiter Band Instruments, plays Parker Mouthpieces, and co-hosted (with Andrew Hitz) The Brass Junkies Podcast. His book, “Music Practice Coach,” is available as a PDF download on his website where you can also view an array of his comedic endeavors.
Most recently, he has launched a speaking career and regularly shares his ideas on practice, leadership, self-development, motivation, entrepreneurship, and innovation.